Handling and usage


GUIDOR matrix barrier:

  • Becomes malleable at body temperature, making it easy to trim and place
  • Is available in multiple sizes and shapes, with and without ligatures
  • Can be used alone or in combination with bone graft material (check IFU)

GUIDOR matrix barrier preparation

Application in Guided Tissue (GTR) procedures

Application in Perio Plastic (PPS) procedures

Application in Guided Bone (GBR) procedures

GUIDOR matrix barrier resorption

GUIDOR matrix barrier maintains function for a minimum of 6 weeks. Afterwards, the product resorbs within a predictable time span (1) and is gradually replaced by periodontal tissue.


1. Lundgren D, Mathisen T, Gottlow J. The development of a bioresorbable barrier for guided tissue regeneration. J Swed Dent Assoc 1994; 86: 741-756